Article name Religious Motives in the Works of the 19th Century’s Tatar Sufi-Poet Abulmanikh Kargaly
Authors Hasavneh A.A.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 17.82.10
Article type
Annotation The article deals with religious and ethical motives in oeuvres of the 19th century Tatar sufipoet Abulmanikh Kargaly on basis of manuscript’s textual analysis; the poet’s meanings of allegorical images and peculiarities of creative thinking were disclosed; his active life position, as a supporter of Naqshbandi Tariqah was shown. When considering the life stories of the prophets and Muslim saints included in the book of A. Kargaly «Tardjimai Hadji Abulmanih al-Bustavi as- Sagidi» («Translation of al-Hajji Abulmaniha Bistavi as-Saagidi») analogies with verses from the Koran, hadithes and works of other Tatar poets were drawn; herewith the original author’s interpretation of some Qur’anic ayats (for example, episodes connected with the life of prophets Yusuf and Yakuba) and introducing fantastic elements by the author (the story of the city of Saba) were marked. The philosophy of patience, which found extensive coverage in the poet’s work, was considered in the context of the Muslim and Turkic literature. The position of A. Kargaly as a representative of moderate Sufism, who was calling to stick to «the golden mean» in everything and to avoid extremes was revealed.
Key words Qur’anic stories, «the beautiful» in Sufism, philosophy of patience, prophet Muhammad in the Sufi works, symbolic meaning of the word «dust», moderate Sufism
Article information
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Full articleReligious Motives in the Works of the 19th Century’s Tatar Sufi-Poet Abulmanikh Kargaly