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Article name | Onomastic Vocabulary in the National Russian Dictionaries of the Mongolian Languages |
Authors | Tsyrenov B.D.Candidate of Philology, assistant professor |
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UDK | 413.164 : 413.232 (=942.3) |
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Annotation | rticle deals with the onomastic vocabulary representation in the National Russian dic- tionaries of the Mongolian languages published during the second half of the 20th century. The research showed that in most dictionaries proper names are represented as appendices of geo- graphical names to the language corpora. The structure and content of these lists are different in each dictionary: the most extensive list is given in the Big Academic Mongolian-Russian dictionary, which has several columns devoted to the general geographic names: modern and old Mongolian administrative titles. Only in the two-volume “Buryat-Russian Dictionary” proper names are includ- ed in the glossary and language corpora. Onyms included in this dictionary are the names of some outstanding figures of the Buryat people, Mongol khans, theonyms, mythonyms, ethnonyms. Eth- nonyms are also included in the glossary of «Big Academic Mongolian-Russian dictionary.» Thus in the modern Mongolian lexicography there are two ways to present onom y: in the form of appendices (most common) and directly into the language corpora. |
Key words | onomastic vocabulary, onyms, dictionaries, the Mongolian languages |
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References | 1. BAMRS – Bol\'shoj akademicheskij mongol\'sko-russkij slovar\' : v 4 t. M. : Academia, 2004. 2. Berkov V. P. Dvujazychnaja leksikografija. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M. : Astrel\' ; AST ; Tranzitkniga, 2004. 236 s. 3. Berkov V. P. Voprosy dvujazychnoj leksikografii (Slovnik). L. : Izd-vo LGU, 1973. 192 s. 4. BMRS – Burjat-mongol\'sko-russkij slovar\'. M., 1951. 852 s. 5. BRS I – Shagdarov L. D., Cheremisov K. M. Burjaad-orod toli. Burjatsko-russkij slovar\' : v 2 t. T. I. A-N. Ulan-Udje : Respublikanskaja tipografija, 2006. 636 s. 6. BRS II – Shagdarov L. D., Cheremisov K. M. Burjaad-orod toli. Burjatsko-russkij slovar\' : v 2 t. T. II. O-Ja. Ulan-Udje : Respublikanskaja tipografija, 2008. 707 s. 7. Ermolovich D. I. Onomasticheskaja leksika kak ob#ekt dvujazychnoj leksikografii // Voprosy filologii. 2004. № 2. S. 64–70. 8. KRS – Kalmycko-russkij slovar\'. M. : Russkij jazyk, 1977. 768 s. 9. RBMS – Russko-burjat-mongol\'skij slovar\'. M.: GIINS, 1954. 750 s. 10. RMS – Mongol\'sko-russkij slovar\' / pod red. A. Luvsandjendjeva. M. : GIINS, 1957. 716 s. 11. Juldashev A. A. Principy sostavlenija tjurksko-russkih slovarej. M. : Nauka, 1972. 416 s. |
Full article | Onomastic Vocabulary in the National Russian Dictionaries of the Mongolian Languages |