Article name Will Tests Help to Solve the Problem of Optimization and Quality of Training the Russian Language? RETRACTED
Authors Balyhina T.M.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, academician of IASP,
Bibliographic description
UDK 482
Article type
Annotation The article deals with reliability and a validity (adequacy) of tests as means of estimation of communicative and subject and professional competence. Questions of alternative forms of pedagogical, linguistic didactics measurements are considered: a portfolio, case measuring instruments, competence tests, on-line tests, etc. The typology of a portfolio existing to the present moment testifies to a systematic character of information collection about trainee. Experimentally and in real educational process the motivating role of case measuring instruments is proved. Application of competence tests in teaching Russian to foreigners is interfaced to impossibility of treatment of competence as the sums of communicative or subject knowledge and abilities. In this connection there is a problem of creation of the complex tests checking polycompetence preparation of foreign pupils in the field of Russian (language, speech, sociocultural, social, strategic, subject and other competences). The appeal to the exact methods, available experience, innovations in control and estimative processes will allow us to develop individual programs of training, to overcome low objectivity and a control predictability, to form a real control system of quality of teaching Russian to foreigners.
Key words control, tests, quality of training and management of training process, pedagogical measurements, tests, portfolio, competence tests, on-line tests
Article information
References 1. Balyhina T. M. Osnovy teorii testov i praktika testirovanija (v aspekte russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo). M. : MGUP, 2004. 242 s. 2. Zvonnikov V. I. Izmerenija i kachestvo obrazovanija. M. : Logos, 2006. 488 s. 3. Chelyshkova M. B. Teorija i praktika konstruirovanija pedagogicheskih testov. M. : Logos, 2002. 432 s.
Full articleWill Tests Help to Solve the Problem of Optimization and Quality of Training the Russian Language? RETRACTED