Article | |
Article name | The System of Principles and Methods of Training Lexical Grammatical Phenomena of Russian as a Foreign Language at the Main Stage of Teaching (on the example of word-formation) |
Authors | Ivanova T.M.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 372.881.161.1 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching lexical grammatical phenomena at the main stage of studying Russian as a foreign language on the example of one of linguistics sections. The principles of selection, organization and training of the linguistic material from the systemactivity approach point of view in teaching Russian as a foreign language are revealed. According to the research a foreign language is first of all an educational discipline, and it is necessary to develop technologies of foreign language teaching. Integrative trends increasingly reflected in the methodological concepts of teaching Russian as a foreign language are of great importance. An essential principle in teaching Russian as a foreign language is a systematic organization of educational material. Systematic character of the language as a whole and its individual levels and subsystems is a generally recognized fact. The author comes to the conclusion that language belongs to the systematic formation, therefore it is very important for teachers to interpret existing methodology of the principles and techniques of education, taking into account specific training material and peculiarities of foreign students. Systematic character principle of the material cannot be implemented without the analysis of interacting systems of the language. |
Key words | principles of training, system activity approach, lexical and grammar material, system, educational process, forming of language phenomena, systematic language, Russian as a foreign language, language competence, didactic principle of learning |
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Full article | The System of Principles and Methods of Training Lexical Grammatical Phenomena of Russian as a Foreign Language at the Main Stage of Teaching (on the example of word-formation) |