Article name Conceptospheres «Game», «Art», «Creation» in Foreign Students Teaching
Authors Kuznetsova N.S.postgraduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 378. 147
Article type
Annotation The necessity to intensify the process of mastering Russian as a foreign language in order to expand the conceptual system of an individual at the expense of understanding the meanings of another culture makes it possible to review current trends in learning a foreign language (Russian). At first such notions as “conceptual sphere” and “concept” appear in the projection of the teaching process. The analysis of the notion “concept” that was made in this work, allowed determining the linguistic, psychological and cultural view of the content of this notion. The paper presents methods for introducing concepts in the language practice of foreign students. The definition of “conceptual sphere” is also discussed in this article, the role and place of conceptosphere are analyzed here and they are suitable for the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In this work the game, art, creation are shown as conceptospheres which are necessary for productive learning not only the linguistic material but also for understanding “foreign” culture.
Key words conceptual sphere, concept, game, language game, creation, art
Article information
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Full articleConceptospheres «Game», «Art», «Creation» in Foreign Students Teaching