Article name Philosophical Aspects of Scientific Work
Authors Vinogradova S.M.Doctor of Political Science, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 101
Article type
Annotation Creativity attracts representatives from many fields of scientific knowledge. This issue has taken a special place in philosophers’ works. The authors have been trying to identify those essential characteristics that differentiate creativity from the reproductive forms of human activity, although the line here is difficult to detect. Studies aimed at understanding the phenomenon of creativity are certainly very diverse in their content. But most of these works are united by the desire to reveal the fullness of human possibilities, to focus on the creative beginning inherent in the person. The study of creativity may indeed not lead to the production of genii on a mass scale. Nevertheless, it certainly can help us to disclose a person’s ability to see the features of a man’s creative potential, to help him in the process of self-actualization. This is especially important for those who are engaged in scientific activities. Therefore, our article aims to broadly follow the dynamics of philosophical ideas about scientific creativity, the talent, the genius, the peculiarities of the creative process in science. The article deals with classical and non-classical approaches to creativity. The author traces changes in understanding the phenomenon of creation associated with the change of eras and research paradigms.
Key words art, philosophy, abilities, talent, creativity, science, scientific activity, personality, self-actualization
Article information
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