Article name “Principle of the Pendulum” in Normal and Pathological Philosophy
Authors Izutkin D.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Galochkina N.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 316:1:616
Article type
Annotation The paper attempts to reveal the philosophical positions of the essential mechanism of change of normal and pathological processes in the human body through the action of the “principle of the pendulum”. Premorbid condition is the starting point of oscillatory processes of the pendulum. It is emphasized that as far as the development of human society continues, the biological pendulum is strongly influenced by the social matter. In the first stages of the formation of humanity, forces influencing the “pendulum” were commensurate with the natural optimum, but then as the development of public matter continued, it began to experience intense pressure of external artificial environment. As a result, the pendulum oscillation processes are caused by the influence of two different qualities of forces: natural and artificial. This situation increases the amplitude of its quantitative and qualitative fluctuations. This makes biological pendulum a non-deterministic object and inevitably leads to the quantitative and qualitative changes in the character of pathology. Social space transforms the biological mechanism of “the principle of the pendulum” returning its fluctuations in the direction of norm, which eventually leads to the opposite process: deflection of “the pendulum” in the direction of new quantitative and qualitative pathologic conditions. As a matter of fact, the mechanism of the action of “the principle of the pendulum” in the norm and pathology possesses dualistic essence, which is comprised in its biological and social nature.
Key words norm, pathology, “principle of the pendulum”, biological and public matter
Article information
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Full article“Principle of the Pendulum” in Normal and Pathological Philosophy