Article name Environmental Ethics as a Philosophical Project of Life
Authors Mantatov V.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Mantatova L.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 502.315
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Annotation The article is devoted to the justification of environmental ethics as a strategy of life. Environmental ethics is a philosophical doctrine about the coevolution of man and nature, it defines the purposes and values of life for the individual and society. Recognizing the priority of the ontological status of the idea of man, eco-ethics at the same time maintains the idea of moral dignity and intrinsic value of nature. From the perspective of eco-ethics, nature is not just the object of human activity, but the subject of coevolution of man and nature. Therefore, it takes into account not only human interests but also the benefit of nature. The interests of man as a living being coincide with the interests of life preservation on the whole. Considering the eco-ethics as a philosophical project life, we allocate two features of eco-ethics. First, ecoethics is based on the recognition that man can achieve existential perfection and attain authenticity of being. Secondly, it emphasizes the status of each person as the subject of life and his responsibility for all his actions. Responsibility is embodiment of the most moral and most fundamental attitude to the construction of life strategies. Responsibility is the category that matches and links the perspectives of the individual and prospects of society, a strategy for individual life and collective life (strategy of mankind). The philosophical task of environmental ethics is to build a morally and rationally defensible Strategy of Humanity as well as a morally and rationally sound strategy to personal life, to connect the destiny of man with the fate of humanity in noosphere–cosmic perspective.
Key words eco-ethics, strategy of life, responsibility, neoliberalism, socialism, man and nature
Article information
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Full articleEnvironmental Ethics as a Philosophical Project of Life