Article name Ethical and Epistemological Aspects of Technoscientific Knowledge in the Context of Paradigmatic Shift from the Homo Faber into the Homo Creator
Authors Seredkina E.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.1+ 008
Article type
Annotation The aim of this paper is to analyze projective constructive grounds of technoscientific knowledge which essence is recorded in the form of paradigmatic shift from the Baconian homo faber into the Postbaconian homo creator. In this connection, design of reality is a primary focus in technoscience and technology assessment. Let us consider the “engineerization” of modern natural science and philosophy of science in terms of “new biology”. We show a dramatic gap between ethical challenges and technological applications in an anthropogenic civilization as the work of projective constructive consciousness is initially integrated not only in innovation algorithms but also in a wide social context. Thereupon? we study the problem of relation between ethics and epistemology in “the ontology of world technological design” and pose a problem of editing of scientific and technological progress by “moral design” of High Tech Age. As an example, the newest engineering creativity program in American STS (maintenance program) which is deeply opposed to innovators′ program will go through philosophical reflection. Maintainers do not count on production of “disruptive innovations”, but they focus on maintaining material technical objects. Our aim is not to criticize the programs mentioned above but to try to overcome the gap and unite these two divergent engineering cultures based on interaction to strengthen the synergy effect.
Key words technoscience, social assessment of technology, projective constructivism, “open biology”, “disruptive innovation”, innovators/maintainers
Article information
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Full articleEthical and Epistemological Aspects of Technoscientific Knowledge in the Context of Paradigmatic Shift from the Homo Faber into the Homo Creator