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Article name | Methodological Aspects of Metaphysics |
Authors | Khrustalev Y.M.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation |
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UDK | 111 |
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Annotation | The human thought is an aspiration for the meaningful understanding of the world of existence and the role of humanity in it. It is a manifestation of the creative activity of a thinker and his pivot – the philosophical metaphysics. Every specialist, scientist, physician, tending to the practical wisdom, comprehends this profound philosophy in order to understand the achievements of higher goals of Humanity. Metaphysics, as a fundamental philosophical reflection, is creative and mental idealization of existential perspectives of ontological, epistemological and axiological types, and all fundamental theoretical courses of the human creative thought developed in philosophy. The article is aimed to define the place and role of metaphysics as a method of scientific-philosophical cognition and overall world cognition. The author tries to prove that metaphysics is often unfairly opposed to dialectic method of cognition in scientific literature. Metaphysics expresses the driving force of the human creative mind to the understanding and awareness of eternal being, to a certain overcoming of the finiteness of the individual human life. A need for transcendence as an intellectual and moral going beyond the limits of available human existence and beyond the limits of everyday facts is peculiar for each man. Metaphysics seeks to answer exactly this mental need. Metaphysics is a genuine philosophy, although this position has been rejected many times and even branded as a false teaching. But many times, it was celebrated again and again and climbed on the board as a triumph of the human mind. |
Key words | being, existence, philosophy, metaphysics, origin, human life, subject, object of cognition, science, physics, mind, magic, creativity, thinking, substance, freedom, methodology |
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Full article | Methodological Aspects of Metaphysics |