Article name Russia. Society. Humanity
Authors Davletshina G.R.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Valeeva A.S.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 172:316.752:316.347
Article type
Annotation The condition of the humanitarian environment in Russia as a result of so-called reforms fills us big with misgivings: degradation of the whole branches of production and regions of the country, corruption, destruction of education systems and health care, falling of morals, exasperation in the inter-human relations, a spiritual devastation. A result of these reforms – the economic, social, political and spiritual crisis endured nowadays by the country. That’s why we consider that it is necessary to approach all innovations only from the scientific point of view. There must be accurately developed, planned, system concept of each stage of reforming. In our society, the result of all reforms besides an erosion of elements of economic and social system is the fact of a muffled explanation of what society we build, what main moral and valuable guidelines are put at the heart of system, what ideals are important for people, especially for younger generation. Philosophy and science, art, education and religion are equally responsible for the statement of humanity. Awareness of person’s own humanity, its resources and opportunities is the decisive intellectual procedure transferring it from humanity level on humanism level. Whatever improbable it sometimes seems, but humanity is an ineradicable element of an inner world of any person of sound mind.
Key words Russia, humanism, process of a humanization, crisis of the person, social-economic crisis, humanistic transformation
Article information
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Full articleRussia. Society. Humanity