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Article name | Changes in University Educational Results Evaluation: Culturological Analysis |
Authors | Kapustina E.V.Senior Lecturer |
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UDK | 378 |
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Annotation | The article deals with general trends in changing educational results measurements at a level of higher education. This is a culturological research as these changes are analyzed in terms of systemic transformations of sociocultural relations. Emergence of new criteria of evaluation of educational programs and university ranking is determined by tendencies of international community development. First of all, the changes have had to do with the system of competitive universities and new educational forms. They result in new demands for the educational process that immediately have an effect on evaluation instruments. The focus shifts from the university where a student absorbs knowledge and gets necessary competences to the subject of educational process. A student and a graduate are regarded as principal indicators of educational program quality. Quality evaluation is made according to their sociocultural successfulness and competency after graduation from the university. Nowadays we see a keen competition not between universities but between educational programs that will demand to change the ranking system evaluating not only the university but also educational programs. In this regard, it is necessary to make special criteria for evaluating educational programs at art faculties. |
Key words | culturology of education, system crisis of society, quality of education, universities ranking, higher education reform |
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Full article | Changes in University Educational Results Evaluation: Culturological Analysis |