Article name Chaadayev’s Lesson
Authors Kokareva Y.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 1 (091)
Article type
Annotation The question of estimation of our historical past and influence of the original spiritual and moral values on social and political processes of the future is very important in our instable world. The dispute between the Westerners and the Slavophils began in the 19th century and it is actual nowadays too. P. Ya. Chaadayev offered the Russian society to refuse from old Fatherland of the past, from its basic spiritual value, Orthodoxy, and to replace it by spiritual values of the Western civilization as the only true model of human development. Chaadayev’s position was bitterly criticized by the thinkers of that time (including his friends). It was the response to his concept of Russia’s development. The author of the article believes that dissatisfaction with the existing reality can’t initiate the refusal from the historical past of one’s own country. Only those who are “mad” wish to save their own country by humiliating other peoples in order to become a part of progressive human civilization.
Key words Chaadayev, Russian philosophy, destiny of Russia, philosophy of history, Orthodoxy, Catholicism
Article information
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Full articleChaadayev’s Lesson