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Article name | Two Types of Upbringing: Traditional and Civilized |
Authors | Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru |
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UDK | 37 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the process of upbringing through the prism of suggestion and explanation ratio. It is noted that the suggestion prevailed in the traditional upbringing. With the development of logical thinking, the explanation process emerges and becomes the leading in the upbringing. The role of suggestion remains huge in upbringing even in the era of civilization, and in the early stages of child development – the only one. The author believes that conviction can be based on knowledge derived from logical thinking and logical explanation, as well as on suggested ideas. Therefore, suggestion as a method of exposure is opposed to explanation. At the same time the result of suggestion, a suggested idea, is opposed to understanding. However, since by means of suggestion one can suggest both false or misleading information and the true one, suggested ideas reflecting the truth may subsequently be realized and conviction becomes logically justified. It is this idea that education should consist of, from the author’s point of view. The author believes that modern society should not completely abandon the traditional methods, but save them in the education of those children who have not reached the level of logical thinking which is necessary for self-identity. But at the same time, these methods should not be abused in education of older children, in spite of their greater efficiency. The article compares the ratio of traditional and civilized methods of upbringing in the US and the Soviet practice based on the analysis of the work by Urie Bronfenbrenner “Two Worlds of Childhood: US and USSR”. |
Key words | upbringing, suggestion, contrasuggestion, socialization, traditional upbringing, civilized upbringing, explanation, conviction, Urie Bronfenbrenner |
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Full article | Two Types of Upbringing: Traditional and Civilized |