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Article name | Ideas of Classical Humanism as the Foundation of Bioethics |
Authors | Nomokonova M.V.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Nomokonova M. V. Ideas of Classical Humanism as the Foundation of Bioethics // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 6–11. |
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UDK | 304.9 |
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Annotation | The article considers the problem of searching the humanistic ideals and principles of science, since ancient times to the present time. The author emphasizes that the problem of human values search has become the most urgent today. The search for new worldview ideals that are most clearly expressed in the principles of biomedical ethics is happening. Process of rethinking of many philosophical questions, in particular questions of humanization science is taking place. As a result of the efforts of scientists aimed at humanization of the sphere of natural science, in the middle of the twentieth century, a new science of bioethics in the context of which the ideas and principles of classical humanism (anthropocentrism, respect for the freedom and autonomy of the personality, mercy, compassion and etc.) are interpreted taking into account the realities of modern civilization, primarily made in biomedical science of discoveries and innovations. The main principles of bioethics originate in the ideas and principles of classical humanism. The main purpose both for classical humanism and modern bioethics is to instill the public axiological attitude to human life and health. The fundamental principles of bioethics are: the principle of informed consent, confidentiality, “do no harm”, “do good”, mercy, equity, dignity, freedom and moral autonomy of the individual. Formation of these principles comes from antiquity. They remain urgent and irreplaceable in our time. |
Key words | bioethics (biomedical ethics), classical humanism, bioethics principles, mercy, respect of dignity, freedom and autonomy of the personality (patient) |
Article information | |
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Full article | Ideas of Classical Humanism as the Foundation of Bioethics |