Article name The Problem of Nature and Essence of Man in the History of Philosophical Thought
Authors Sintsova L.K.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Ponomarev P.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Sintsova L. K., Ponomarev P. V. The Problem of Nature and Essence of Man in the History of Philosophical Thought // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 12–16.
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the problems of human nature in the philosophical heritage. Man’s attempts to understand himself, his nature and essence are carried out throughout the history of mankind. This problem is one of the most important problems in philosophy. This issue becomes topical in critical periods of history. The authors turn to the analysis of those traditions that have developed in the history of philosophy in considering the problems of man. Denoting the differences in the understanding of man in Western and Eastern cultures, the authors dwell on those tendencies and changes of philosophical thought in the conceptions of man from Antiquity and the Middle Ages to modern times. Ancient philosophy makes the first attempt to understand man, his nature and essence, defines the main directions of the research. Medieval philosophy justifies the understanding of man as being sinful, needing repentance and humility. Philosophy of Renaissance and the Modern Age thinks of man as being active and transforming the world. Now relying on philosophical heritage, we once again try to understand man, his nature and essence, changing under the pressure of the new realities of the information society.
Key words man, nature of man, essence of man, self-knowledge, self-perfection, philosophical anthropology
Article information
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Full articleThe Problem of Nature and Essence of Man in the History of Philosophical Thought