Article | |
Article name | Person in the Context of New Social Relations Formation |
Authors | Sytykh O.L.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Sytykh O. L. Person in the Context of New Social Relations Formation // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 17–22. |
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UDK | 316. 3/4 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the analysis of human existence in changing social relations. The author explores a number of processes characteristic of human life of the XXI century, which determine the formation of a new sociality. In the limelight are changing attitudes in society to such phenomena as same-sex marriage, legalization of drugs and euthanasia. The paper shows that these phenomena indicate a shift in a person’s life from social to biological. Other important factors influencing social relations is changing communication occurring under the influence of new information technologies that have touched most people. The article discusses various changes in the field of communication; we show how the Internet and mobile phones have changed communication in particular. The author focuses on the formation of new views of time and space that young people have under the influence of the Internet and computer games. Part of the material of the article is devoted to the analysis of the relation changes in the “society of consumption” that has already been built in Western countries and is being constructed in Russia today. The author comes to the conclusion that the dynamics of social life, i. e. formation of new social relations, fundamental change in existing social processes results in a person’s life change and revision of some values. |
Key words | person, society, social relations, change, communication, information technology, consumption, values |
Article information | |
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Full article | Person in the Context of New Social Relations Formation |