Article name Childhood and Children’s Health Issues in Russian Social and Philosophical Thought
Authors Chayka L.N.Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description Chayka L. N. Childhood and Children’s Health Issues in Russian Social and Philosophical Thought // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 30–36.
UDK 304.444
Article type
Annotation Attitude to children and the elderly people reveals the level of social and cultural development of society. There is a need for theoretical understanding of childhood and children’s health as a value in contemporary Russian social consciousness due to complicated social, economic, and demographic situation in the country, intensified by moral crisis. Analysis of childhood and children’s health issues in Russian human science scope results in the following important issues: sacralization of childhood, creative potential of children, childhood as a special world, and childhood as a kind of social and cultural phenomenon. The author concludes that there is a need to protect children’s health not only by the adults around but also by the society and the state, whose most important function is children’s safety, prevention or at least minimization of the threatening factors and situations. The author uses the method of literary text analysis to Russian classical literary works, represented the childhood and children’s health theme. The method helps to reveal social and cultural reality represented in chosen literary topics, remarkable cultural and historical associations, and dynamic nature of childhood and children’s safety issues in the world.The author considers childhood as a changeable and lively social phenomenon.
Key words childhood, child’s health, childhood safety, sacralization of childhood, creativity
Article information
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