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Article name | European Intelligence and Life-world: an Analytics of Co-constituting |
Authors | Gibelev I.V.Candidate of Philosophy |
Bibliographic description | Gibelev I. V. European Intelligence and Life-world: an Analytics of Co-constituting // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 43–48. |
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UDK | 130.2 |
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Annotation | This article brings up one of the urgent problems of self-determination of philosophical knowledge in the modern cultural situation – the balance between the historicity and the universality of rational reflection or life-world during the process of appreciation of subjectivity phenomenon. The novelty of the research lies in the formulation of the question about contemporary forms of subjectivity as about co-constituting of the European mind and the life-world. As the result, there is underlined difference between co-constituting and phenomenological constitution developed by Husserl. We come to the study of subjectivity in a situation of simultaneous presence of transcendental and non-transcendental horizons in the historicity of existence. The subjectivity in this case is referred to in two ways: it is both a precondition and the result of the idea and the other (over-ideological limit in the object of thought) meeting. Two contradictory meanings require some clarification. We need to assume that they could be understood, if we conceptualize and experience them by their meeting itself, in the process of co-constituting. A paradigm of transcendental reflection acts here as the methodological tool that reveals the analytics of co-constituting. Transcendentalism is used not only as an epistemological and cognitive- epistemological way of reflection, but also in its ontological interpretation, where the difference of the thought and the other is not thematized in the opposition between subject and object, but in the opposition of a person and the complete world. It is concluded that there presents a requirement of understanding the limit between the person and the world as the spot of meeting of the thought and the other, the spot, where the culture is born. |
Key words | European mind, the life-world, constituting, co-constituting |
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Full article | European Intelligence and Life-world: an Analytics of Co-constituting |