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Article name | Reforming of Education in the Russian Federation in 1991–2015: from the Structural and Functional Dissonance of Social System to Search of Balance of its Subjects’ Interests |
Authors | Zamoshnikova N.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Zamoshnikova N. N. Reforming of Education in the Russian Federation in 1991-2015: from the Structural and Functional Dissonance of Social System to Search of Balance of its Subjects Interests // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 49–60. |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-49-60 |
UDK | 37 |
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Annotation | The article describes the emergence and development of the modern image of the educational system in the Russian Federation in the context of social calls of the end of the XXth – beginning of the XXIth centuries. In the article, the main stages of the education system modernization in 1991–2015 are revealed, the explication of the declared and latent purposes is made, the means of implementing modernization actions, effects and the results of each period are shown, the main contradiction of reforming – a structural and functional dissonance of education as a social system is revealed. We allocated six basic stages, based on the most significant actions and regulations providing their carrying out. Processes, ways of goal achievement, its positive and negative effects, the main results of the actions for each of the stages allocated are analyzed in the article. On the basis of the system and genetic approach, the basic processes which are the underlying of backbone actions of each stage of education modernization are allocated. Regulations on social consequences of actions taken within process of modernization of education, change in society and contradictory expectations of all subjects of an education system at the stages presented are formulated. Disagreement bases in the form of low culture of social changes management are revealed. |
Key words | education, education system, reforming of education, modernization, structural and functional dissonance |
Article information | |
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Full article | Reforming of Education in the Russian Federation in 1991–2015: from the Structural and Functional Dissonance of Social System to Search of Balance of its Subjects’ Interests |