Article name Cultural Studies of Education in the Context of Society System Crisis
Authors Kapustina E.V.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Kapustina E. V. Cultural Studies of Education in the Context of Society System Crisis // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 61–64.
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation Cultural studies of education focuses on interaction of education as an institute of enculturation and culture which consists of various morphological elements, including education as the most important one. The paper deals with the argument that society is affected by a system crisis which has been more obvious since 2008 and has been transpiring within all main spheres of social interaction. The crisis is a background for simultaneous reevaluation of cultural and educational institutions, namely their roles, functions and structures, the meaning of which are no longer evident. The changes into a sociocultural sphere and their reflections in scientific thoughts determine necessity to intensify rethinking of cultural and educational interactions, to enrich research field of cultural studies of education with new issues. In particular, scholars reveal ontological need for education in a contemporary culture; it is an essence determining the existence of modern sociocultural reality and the most efficient means of cultural values and patterns translation. The author argues that the research field of cultural studies of education will become transformed through a set of questions about different reaction of educational programs oriented to different economic spheres, dissolution of inner cultures in universities and emerging multilevel fractions of university environment, university role in students’ professional culture formation adopted to a regional market.
Key words cultural studies of education, system crisis of society, enculturation, higher education reforms
Article information
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Full articleCultural Studies of Education in the Context of Society System Crisis