Article name Organizational Culture of Fundamental Knowledge Production in Conditions of System Transformation: Russian Specificity
Authors Petrov V.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Petrov V. V. Organizational Culture of Fundamental Knowledge Production in Conditions of System Transformation: Russian Specificity // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 65–71.
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The paper outlines the key characteristics of the emerging information society and the knowledge society, transformation that took place in society at the turn of the centuries under the influence of globalization processes is discussed. It is shown that in conditions of the reform of domestic science and education, vector of development of fundamental research is shifted towards research universities. On the other hand, at the same time, universities at this stage of development of society are not ready to produce scientific knowledge to the extent of the Academy of Sciences level. The cause of this conflict is the lack of organizational culture of fundamental knowledge production, as historically, national university mission was technology transfer and translation of knowledge, but not its development. It is shown that in present circumstances it is almost impossible to transfer to a university academia format, a deep structural transformation of the university is required, it should observe the basic organizational principles of the world’s leading universities, that’s why a major change in the legal framework is required. The author denotes that a full transfer of academic research to the university base is not required, the new forms of closer cooperation, in which the university and academic science will not be opposed, but rather complement each other should be found.
Key words information society, knowledge society, academic science, research universities, production of scientific knowledge, organizational culture
Article information
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