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Article name | Vertical Metaphorization and Occasional Word Usage: Markers of Individual Style (the Case of the Memoir Story “On the Siberian Roads” by B. Akhmadulina) |
Authors | Antsiferova N.B.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Antsiferova N. B. Vertical Metaphorization and Occasional Word Usage: Markers of Individual Style (the Case of the Memoir Story “On the Siberian Roads” by B. Akhmadullina) // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 6–11. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-6-11. |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-6-11 |
UDK | 882 |
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Annotation | In the article submitted, vertical metaphorization and occasional word usage as composition methods of creation of Bella Akhmadulina’s memoir story “On the Siberian roads” are considered. To single out and systematize the ways and receptions of creation of the text language space, the context analysis is used; the shuttle method is applied at distribution of the language units on circles with the subsequent redistribution in structure of graphic means of expression. Relevance of this work is that identification, description and systematization of components of the author’s creative method allow us to define markers of individual style as a whole. Analysis and interpretation of the most indicative contexts allow us to draw a conclusion: vertical metaphorization, occasional word usage and antonymous paradigm of semantic filling underlie Bella Akhmadulina’s individual style. The allocated markers of individual style at the same time act both as composition methods and as the categories forming the text. The language structure of the story-teller’s image whose archaic attitude defines the character of the text language space is studied. |
Key words | vertical metaphorization, individual style, metaphorical periphrasis, occasional word group, language picture of the world, language space of the text |
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Full article | Vertical Metaphorization and Occasional Word Usage: Markers of Individual Style (the Case of the Memoir Story “On the Siberian Roads” by B. Akhmadulina) |