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Article name | Visual Poetics of the Novel Petersburg by A. Bely |
Authors | Fedorova E.V.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Fedorova E. V. Visual Poetics of the Novel Petersburg by A. Bely // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 25–30. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-25-30. |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-25-30 |
UDK | 821.161.1-3 |
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Annotation | The analysis of features of the visual organization of the novel Petersburg by A. Bely, the second large prosaic work of the writer, is offered in the article. The interrelation between micro- and macro levels of the text becomes a subject of the research: external visual shape, rhythmic organization of the text and ideological plan of works. Such visual features as organization of the page space, specific arrangement of punctuation marks, use of a graphic equivalent of the text creating visual hierarchy of the text parts are analyzed in the article. Special attention is paid to the emergence of an essentially new reception, a space from the main case of the text with the use of a double dash to the right, which marks concrete fragments when action happens in different “worlds”, the heroes’ borderline states are accented. Thus, the main idea of A. Bely’s philosophy finds reflection in visual organization of the novel – duality and multidimensionality of all real. Narration ideological plans and narrative important lines of the work are accented through the external visual plan. The author also points to interaction between rhythmic-intonation and visual and graphic levels of the text. The presented elements of the novel visual organization influence intoning features and form background visual shape of the text page, carrying out rhythm-forming function. Visual and rhythmic features structure all main conceptual levels and define poetics of the novel Petersburg. |
Key words | visual shape of the text, page space, graphic equivalent of the text, prose rhythm, font accident |
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Full article | Visual Poetics of the Novel Petersburg by A. Bely |