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Article name | Problems of Development of the Historical Novel in the Kyrgyz Literature |
Authors | Abdyramanova A.S.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Abdyramanova A. S. Problems of Development of the Historical Novel in the Kyrgyz Literature // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 40–44. |
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UDK | 82/821.0 |
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Annotation | The article considers issues of formation and development of the genre of historical novel in the Kyrgyz literature from the moment of its formation to 2008. Comparative and typological approach specified common and particular features in the development of the genre in the Central Asian literature in general and in the Kyrgyz literature in particular. The article considers why the genre of the historical romance appeared in Kyrgyzstan later than in other Central Asian republics. The author gives the characteristics of formative stages of the genre in the Kyrgyz literature in interrelation with the Soviet literature and reasons for such a division. The article enumerates historical novels of the period of independence and determines their specific features in comparison with the Soviet era novels. The author puts forward the problem of changing approaches to the theory of the genre and sees its solution in drawing on sources of the theory of the genre in novels by W. Scott and A. Pushkin, and theoretical theses of the Soviet literature. As before, the most important point in the genre is strict observing the principle of historical method. |
Key words | historical novel, historical method, national specific feature, Central Asian literature, theory of the genre, post-Soviet literature, nomad culture |
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Full article | Problems of Development of the Historical Novel in the Kyrgyz Literature |