Article name Semantic Groups of Verbs in M. Kashgari’s Work Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk
Authors Iskakova B.D.Candidate of Philology, Аssociate Professor
Karipzhanova G.T.Candidate of Philology, Аssociate Professor
Bibliographic description Iskakova B. D., Karipzhanova G. T. Semantic Groups of Verbs in M. Kashgari’s Work Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 56–61.
UDK 81‘37
Article type
Annotation The semantic verb category in M. Kashgari’ work Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk was analyzed in this article. During the research of Turkic lexis elements specific to the system, semantic grouping was made by N. K. Dmitriev in his work “System of the Turkic languages”. As the scientist’s opinion was supported widely, different verbs of the Turkic languages were classified into semantic groups. Semantic verb groups were studied by A. Khasenova and M. Orazov in Kazakh linguistics. Having studied the works of the above mentioned scientists, we analyzed M. Kashgari’s work Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk, the Turkic monument of the 11th century, which has the specifics of the verb meaning. The semantic groups of verbs were identified on the basis of a static method. The verbs were divided into four lexical-semantic groups: verbs of motion, action verbs, verbs of thinking and quality, onomatopoeia verbs and images. They were compared with the corresponding equivalents in the Kazakh language. The statistical method determined the frequency of the lexical and semantic verb groups. The action verbs used in the medieval Turkish era were established, they are all directly related to the Kazakh language history. Thus, the verbs of the medieval Turkish era played an important role in the development of the modern Turkic language, including the Kazakh language. The article presents the research of lexical and semantic groups of the Dictionary in comparison with the materials of the modern Kazakh linguistics.
Key words the Turkic language, lexical and semantic groups, verbs of motion, action verb, verb of thinking and quality, onomatopoeia verbs and images
Article information
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Full articleSemantic Groups of Verbs in M. Kashgari’s Work Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk