Article name Structure of Stellar Concepts: Signs and Cognitive Models
Authors Kapenova Z.Z.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Kapenova Z. Z. Structure of Stellar Concepts: Signs and Cognitive Models // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 67–74. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-67-74.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-67-74
UDK 81’1
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to issues of conceptual studies in linguistics – one of the newest scientific directions in the field, which represent a synthesis of cognitive, linguistic and cultural scientific theories. The problem of concept study has its own history. Even in the 19th century there were attempts to identify the basic unit of thought, which reflected and preserved the fragments of the picture of the world. This unit was identified as a concept. In modern linguistics, the concept has many interpretations, and it resulted in the development of conceptual research. A special feature of this direction is a various look at the concept as a minimum virtual unit of thinking and mentality. In this article, there is a description of stellar concepts, which are given in the Russian and Kazakh language pictures of the world. Stars and constellations are unique objects that are relevant to all humanity. Since ancient times people have studied these mysterious celestial phenomena, have found similarities with terrestrial objects, have given them names, have perceived them as beings that perform specific functions and have a special energy. Interest in the stellar concepts is related to their complexity and versatility, scientism and commonness of their perception. Their structure reveals a lot of figurative, symbolic, valuable and other characteristics, the identification of which allows us to mark universal, national-specific, individually authorial features.
Key words conceptual studies, concept, stellar concepts, valuable signs, symbolic signs, figurative signs
Article information
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Full articleStructure of Stellar Concepts: Signs and Cognitive Models