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Article name | The Khakass’ Diseases and Treatment in the End of the XIXth – the Beginning of the XXth Century |
Authors | Gorbatov L.V.Doctoral Candidate, Researcher |
Bibliographic description | Gorbatov L. V. The Khakass’ Diseases and Treatment in the End of the XIXth – the Beginning of the XXth Century // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 6–11. |
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UDK | 392 |
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Annotation | In the article causes of indigenous population decline of the Khakas-Minusinsk region in the end of the XIXt – the beginning of the XXth century are under consideration. According to the analysis of field material, gathered by pre-revolutionary scholars the author states diseases typical for the Khakass. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of organizing a secular medical care both in the pre-revolutionary period and during the first years of the Soviet power in the Minusinsk County, where the Khakass lived. The article concludes that only the physical extermination of shamans and healers contributed to the spread of medical care among the population and resulted in the loss of an entire layer of empirical medical knowledge. A lot of scientific papers of different times are devoted to the period of transition from nomadic to a settled state of the Khakass people. But among them health condition of the Khakass people in the late XIXth – early XXth century, disease peculiarities and measures taken to medical care are poorly covered. This review article based on materials of bibliographic sources will help to fill in this information gap. The article shows the measures which brought results in the preservation of health of the peoples inhabiting the territory of South Siberia. . |
Key words | the Khakass, diseases, folk medicine, treatment, shamanism |
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Full article | The Khakass’ Diseases and Treatment in the End of the XIXth – the Beginning of the XXth Century |