Article name The Ideology of “Traditionalistic Revolution”: Between Political Utopia and Social Prognostics
Authors Darenskiy V.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-12-19
UDK 321.1 : 101.9 (092)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of transformation processes by crisis of contemporary civilizations in a context of ideology of “traditionalistic revolution” (in particular, works of Yu. Evola, R. Genona and M. Eliade). The author considers the possibilities of the reconstruction of traditionalistic worldview within contemporary discourse. Author’s interpretation of this transformation based on rethinking of universal human experience, which are necessarily linked with archetypes of culture. The phenomenon of this worldview transformation is analysed here as a source of existential experience for contemporary man. The paper discusses various aspects of “traditionalistic revolution”? such as 1) transformation of human reason and types of cognition; 2) traditionalistic view on moving forces of history and cultural creativity; 3) traditionalistic view on cultural meaning of scientific discoveries; 4) diagnosis and prognosis of cultural processes in the XXIst century. The article also examines essential links between these conceptions. The author proposes his own interpretation of traditionalistic spiritual experience, which is necessarily linked with a source of human freedom. For instance, human consciousness and cognition is interpreted by traditionalistic ideology as a non-finished and problematical essence, which are determined by different types of “ways” (science, philosophy and religion). Special attention in the article is devoted to interpreting of “inner mechanisms” of traditionalistic cultural activity as a phenomenon of behavior according to “streaming to Absolute”.
Key words “traditionalistic revolution”, religion, worldview, science, creativity
Article information
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Full articleThe Ideology of “Traditionalistic Revolution”: Between Political Utopia and Social Prognostics