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Article name | Organizational and Legal Foundations of Public Service in the National Education System at The End of the XIXth Beginning of the XXth Centuries (the case of Eastern Siberia) |
Authors | Mamkina I.N.Doctor of History, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Mamkina I. N. Organizational and Legal Foundations of Public Service in the National Education System at The End of the XIXth- Beginning of the XXth Centuries (the case of Eastern Siberia) // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 20–24. |
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UDK | 34:37 |
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Annotation | Public service as the subject of historical research at the regional level in the national education system has not thoroughly studied yet. Historiography is generally presented by the legal researches. Historical writings consider the power system mainly in the context of the state mechanism. In the article the author has tried to fill the existing gap in the field of public service foundations in the national education system taking Eastern Siberia as an example. The paper generalizes information on the legal regulation of public service foundations on the basis of the Russian Empire legislation at the end of the XIXth –beginning of the XXth centuries. The author has noted the change of public service conditions in the Russian Empire. The paper presents rank promotion procedure, determines the public service dependence on the educational qualification and identifies the service conditions in the national education ministry. On the basis of archival data, the author has distinguished rank promotion features in Eastern Siberia, has noted the violations of a number of legislative provisions in the field of rank promotion. The author has paid attention to the elementary school teacher shortcoming and their social vulnerability. Taking full State care pupils’ service obligations as an example, one of the ways of personnel problem solving in the field of national education has been described. The author has evaluated the state policy in the field of national education as selective and inconsistent. |
Key words | public service, rank promotion, education, teachers, features, Eastern Siberia |
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Full article | Organizational and Legal Foundations of Public Service in the National Education System at The End of the XIXth Beginning of the XXth Centuries (the case of Eastern Siberia) |