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Article name | Organizational and Staff Structure of Customs at the End of the XIXth ‒ the Beginning of the XXth Centuries |
Authors | Kazantseva N.G.Candidate of Law, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Казанцева N. G. Organizational and Staff Structure of Customs at the End of the XIXth ‒ the Beginning of the XXth Centuries // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 35–41. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-35-41 |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-35-41 |
UDK | 336.244:34.07 |
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Annotation | The paper analyzes organizational and staff structure features of the customs service constituting the main link in the customs authority imperial system at the 19th ‒ beginning of the 20th centuries; gives the characteristics of the powers of the separate categories of customs officials. It presents the key features of customs officials status, that have been created through the complex analysis of legal acts on the basis of internal customs provisions taking the Head of Customs House, his assistant and customs surveyors as an example. The comparative analysis of the service conditions on the basis of the documents and materials introduced for scientific use has been carried out. The author’s important statement is the recognition of the importance of the correct customs service organization and the need for responsibilities allocation between different categories of officials. The author states that the administration principles, historically established in the customs service system, can be seen in modern customs practice that reaffirms the importance of historical experience generalization in the public authorities’ functioning. |
Key words | customs authorities, customs house, Head of Customs House, Customs Revenue Collection Department, functions, customs surveyor |
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Full article | Organizational and Staff Structure of Customs at the End of the XIXth ‒ the Beginning of the XXth Centuries |