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Article name | To Determination of the Number and Structure of the Political Exiled of Irkutsk Governorate in the 1860s |
Authors | Ivanov A.A.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Ivanov A. A. To Determination of the Number and Structure of the Political Exiled of Irkutsk Governorate in the 1860s // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 60–65. |
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UDK | 94(47).081 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the solution of an important scientific problem – determination of the number and social composition of the political exiled of Irkutsk Governorate in the 1860s. A small amount of the remained documentary materials of this period recreating only separate fragments of life of the exiled considerably complicates the solution of the problem. However, the author manages to prove rather precisely quantity and quality characteristics of the Irkutsk political exile of the 1860s. Conclusions that are drawn: the political exile of this period was measured by several tens of revolutionaries and this fact does not allow us to call it “mass”; revolutionaries got to Irkutsk Governorate after considerable imprisonment in the European Russia and a hard labor in Nerchinsk mountain district; the exile was generally destiny of nobility, there were students, gymnasium students, doctors and teachers among the exiled; the tendency of rather fast increase of commons among the exiled is well traced; vast majority of “men of the sixties” were exiled to the governorate under the court sentences. Taking into account geographical “dispersion” of the exiled and also various terms of their arrival in the governorate, the author has drawn a conclusion that the political exiled of that period were still rather unusual occurrence in this region. |
Key words | political exile, administrative exile, settlements, Irkutsk Governorate |
Article information | |
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Full article | To Determination of the Number and Structure of the Political Exiled of Irkutsk Governorate in the 1860s |