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Article name | Contribution of Representatives of Large Firms to the Economic Development and Social Life of Urban Population of North-Eastern Siberia in the Early XXth Century |
Authors | Kushnarеva M.D.Doctor of History |
Bibliographic description | Kushnareva M. D. Contribution of Representatives of Large Firms to the Economic Development and Social Life of Urban Population of North-Eastern Siberia in the Early XXth Century // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 66–70. |
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UDK | 339.166 (571.5) |
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Annotation | The author has analyzed the contribution of representatives of large firms to the economic development and social life of the population of Yakutsk, as the center of North-Eastern Siberia. The formation of Yakutsk as a key point in the region contributed to the creation of trade and transport infrastructure. Transport enterprises of large firms in the late XIXth – early XXth centuries performed regular steamship communication from Yakutsk to the north-eastern districts of Irkutsk Governorate where the development of gold deposits took place, to the northern fishing districts of Yakutsk region, to the ports of the Sea of Okhotsk. The concentration of transport companies of large firms in Yakutsk allowed chief administrators to work together to solve the issues of development of trade and industry in the region, expansion of the transport system, the creation of new production and processing enterprises. Organization of large firms, wholesale supply of consumer goods and food to the population field and construction of flour mills contributed to the formation of Yakutsk as commodity-distributing center of North-Eastern Siberia. The development of trade operations of large firms led to sales offices in Yakutsk consisting of commercial and residential buildings. Commercial buildings served as sales to the public consumer goods creating architectural appearance of the city as the center of social life. At the beginning of the XXth century in a commercial block in Yakutsk major deals with foreign trade furs were made. The funds representatives of large firms in Yakutsk conducted electricity in commercial and administrative institutions, opened libraries, educational and charitable institutions, organized scientific expeditions. |
Key words | North-Eastern Siberia, big capital, trade, town, population, firm |
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Full article | Contribution of Representatives of Large Firms to the Economic Development and Social Life of Urban Population of North-Eastern Siberia in the Early XXth Century |