Article name The Road Issue in the History of Gold Mining in Transbaikalia in the Early XXth Century
Authors Maruev V.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Maruev V. A. The Road Issue in the History of Gold Mining in Transbaikalia in the Early XXth Century // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 71–77.
UDK 622.342
Article type
Annotation The article attempts to determine the influence of the quality of road and rail infrastructure on the existence and development of gold mining in Transbaikalia at the beginning of the XXth century. The effect of the Transbaikal railway construction on technical modernization of gold mining is examined, as well as the changes in the structure of the workforce, availability of capital for re-equipment. The conclusion about the inconsistency of impact of the Transbaikal railway construction on the development of gold mining in Transbaikalia is made, due to the absence of sufficiently large capital, primarily of predatory development of deposits by private gold miners and, as a result, no or extremely low quality of the road infrastructure of the mines themselves. In the work, based on documentary sources, the state of the field of communications, providing gold mining in Transbaikalia is examined. The documentary sources of the State archive of the Transbaikal region, State archive of the Irkutsk region, Geological Fund are consistently analyzed; the complex of investigations is observed. It is concluded that there was not sufficiently extensive and high quality road infrastructure in Transbaikalia and that fact negatively affected the development of gold mining. In turn, the latter fact is leveled to the gold positive aspects associated with the construction of the Transbaikal railway, increasing the negative ones.
Key words Transbaikal railway, gold mining, foreign capital, labor, technical modernization, transport, documentary materials
Article information
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Full articleThe Road Issue in the History of Gold Mining in Transbaikalia in the Early XXth Century