Article name Natural and Social Constituents of Empathy and Altruism
Authors Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru
Bibliographic description
UDK 141
Article type
Annotation The article examines social and natural constituents of empathy and altruism. The author analyzes the main theories discovering the essence of empathy and altruism: the theories of social exchange, egoistical and altruistic motivations, and social norms, psychology of evolution, sociobiology, kindred selection and mutual altruism. The empathy and altruism factors of the selected group are defined: promoting, hindering and. Empathy and altruism fulfill the conservation function on the genetic and social levels.
Key words behavior, empathy, altruism, factor, natural, social
Article information
Full articleNatural and Social Constituents of Empathy and Altruism