Article name «Diplomatic» Role of Kyakhta in the Development of Economic Relations of Russia and China in 18th Century
Authors Mishakova O.E.Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the role of Russia-China trade in the development of economic relations. The value of the frontier auction in the solution of geopolitical problems – the formation of the state borders, an exit into the countries of eastern area is shown. Kyahtinsky advanced post in these relations carried out a «diplomatic mission». International trade development has affected the formation of a corresponding infrastructure and settling of vast areas of Western Transbaikalia.
Key words Kyakhta, China, economic relations, trade, merchant class, trading infrastructure, Krugobaikalskaya road
Article information
Full article«Diplomatic» Role of Kyakhta in the Development of Economic Relations of Russia and China in 18th Century