Article name Railway Construction in the Far East in the Late 19th and in the Early Part of the 20th Centuries
Authors Vivdych M.A.Senior teacher of the Department of Philosophy, Politology and Culturology
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation The given article is dealing with the history of a railway construction in the Far East. The article focuses on the role of the Trans-Siberian main line in home and foreign policy of Russia in the late 19th and in the early part of the 20th centuries. The support from S. Vitte and P. Stolypin in the construction is underlined. The author describes the railway expansion in North-eastern China, the construction of Chinese Eastern railway, Ussuri and Amur railways. The peculiarities and difficulties of railway construction and its maintenance in the Far Eastern are investigated in the given article.
Key words railway construction, Trans-Siberian main line, Ussuri railway, Chinese Eastern railway, Amur railway
Article information
Full articleRailway Construction in the Far East in the Late 19th and in the Early Part of the 20th Centuries