Article name Phatics as a Speech Form of Implementing the Entertaining Function in Media Texts
Authors Duskaeva L.R.Doctor of Philology, associate professor
Kornilova N.A.assistant professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81\'42; 070
Article type
Annotation Now phatic speech is becoming essential not only in spoken but also in media language. Depending on the communicative strategy of the periodical, thе function of phatic speech varies. In some editions, it reduces information stress, contributing to the relief of the information density of the text. In other entertaining publications, phatics becomes the dominant type of communication. The article presents examples of phatics functioning in different types of media texts. The chosen strategy of research addresses the various aspects of phatics in modern mass media.
Key words phatic speech, information and entertainment communication strategies, wordplay, communication tone
Article information
Full articlePhatics as a Speech Form of Implementing the Entertaining Function in Media Texts