Article name Social Transparency and Personal Boundaries: Global Culture Paradoxes
Authors Silantieva M.V.Doctor of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Silantieva M. V. Social Transparency and Personal Boundaries: Global Culture Paradoxes // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 24–31. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-24-31
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-24-31
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation Relevance of social transparency research is determined by the fact, that openness (or “transparency”) is one of the key formulas of global culture based on high technologies and “information society” achievements. Among promising directions of its deliberation is “network identity” concept consideration through a prism of D. Brin’s “transparent society” theory and “actor- network theory” by B. Latour. Their comparison purpose is clarification of value basics and prospects of “network identity” establishment in the context of modern anthropological shifts. Methodology chosen for a philosophic and culturological analysis is a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach, combining categorical analysis, philosophical hermeneutics techniques and content analysis of communication media messages, reflecting details of latest information technologies introduction (by the example of China). Novelty of results obtained consists in revelation of mentioned above theories connection with a fundamental reconsideration of “freedom” concept content by “information society” and establishment of its secondary role to “public security” category. Thereby freedom interpretation as a value is being leveled. One more result of global identity understanding as network identity for the most part is ascertainment of its rigid connection with recognition technologies. Thus an individual conception as a “person” responsible for “primordial freedom gift” is being reconsidered. A “person” now is a concentrated bundle of social interactions, framework realization of “open privacy”. Thereby a “person” is deprived of room for mistake and his interpretations wander from an ethical understanding common for pre-information age and approach particularly legal understanding.
Key words philosophy of culture, social transparency, “transparent society”, actor-network theory, information technologies, global identity, network identity
Article information
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