Article name Philosophy of Medicine: Problems of Bioethics
Authors Shishkin A.E.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Bibliographic description Shishkin A. E. Philosophy of Medicine: Problems of Bioethics // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 62–67. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-62-67
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-62-67
UDK 101. 17.02. 614.253
Article type
Annotation The market creates conditions not of paternalistic but of commercial relations between patients and doctors, therefore issues of moral life, high-quality pharmacy, genetic engineering, cloning, fetal therapy, transplantology, euthanasia and abortions will be solved in favor of business and military interests. The challenge we face is to find a regulatory method that resolves the contradiction between patients and professional medical communities, law and truth, benefit-benefit and tradition-duty with the help of the potential possibilities of a cultural-historical person. The hermeneutic, existential and soteriological approaches that we used allowed us to discover not a literal, but a sacred meaning of the genesis of bioethics. Our scientific novelty in teaching bioethics is presented not only as an academic discipline but also as a social institution that is able to resist the institutional war. In the doctor-patient communication models, there has been a paradigm shift from paternalistic and collegial to engineering and contractual ones. In the conditions of 80 percent poverty of the population, the transition of the philosophy of medicine to commercial relations means a slow “crawling into the color revolution”.In the era of post-rational thinking, the traditional field of medical ethics is captured by the Leviathan market, which is the real threat to humanity through the cloning of chimeras and the justification of technological acts in the name of progress under the guise of virtue. Our idea and way out of the simulation activities of the expert system of bioethical committees lies in the new focus of understanding of the discipline from the perspective of the security of the sector.
Key words cloning, consistent security, consumerism, communitarianism, cultural-historical man, transhumanism
Article information
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Full articlePhilosophy of Medicine: Problems of Bioethics