Article name Food Culture of the Far Eastern Region in Aspects of Everyday Culture
Authors Den V.G.Master Student
Konopleva N.A.Doctor of Culturology, Professor
Bibliographic description Den V. G., Konopleva N. A. Food Culture of the Far Eastern Region in Aspects of Everyday Culture // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 87–97. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-87-97
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-87-97
UDK 008. 130.2
Article type
Annotation Gastronomy as an element of the people’s culture and heritage has a great research potential. Nowadays, gastronomic culture is rightly considered to be one of the most important knowledge areas of everyday life, at the same time it is the least studied. The absence of clearly formulated conceptual apparatus provides additional motivation for studying this issue. The article discusses the main theoretical approaches to the study of the everyday life culture and the analysis of its elements associated with gastronomy. It also presents the author’s definition of the term “daily gastronomic culture”, highlights factors affecting the perception of everyday food culture and discusses the culinary advantages of the Far Eastern region. The Far East is a region with a picturesque landscape with unique natural, cultural and ethno-cultural resources, which makes the Far Eastern gastronomic component one of the most interesting subjects of scientific research. Research methods were determined because of the purpose and necessity of solving theoretical problems. The article used the methods of system analysis, synthesis and deduction in the study of the definitions of “culture of everyday life”, “history of everyday life” and “gastronomy”; methods of data classification and comparison in identifying the structural elements of a gastronomic culture, methods of synthesis and generalization in identifying complex factors affecting the subjectivity of perception of everyday gastronomic culture.
Key words food culture, everyday culture, routine, gastronomic culture, everyday life, Far Eastern cuisine, food culture of the Far Eastern region
Article information
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