Article name Correctional Developing Work of Psychologists with Emotional Sphere of Preschool and Primary School-Aged Children
Authors Nikitina N.B.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 125.27
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Annotation The article deals with the development of emotional sphere of preschool and primary school-aged children. Regularities influence of emotional sphere on the development of personality of primary school-aged children are revealed. The reasons of the possible psychosomatic disturbances emerging during transition to educational activity are analyzed. The author has carried out testing of children of an elementary school and the results of the research are presented. The basic directions of correctional work with children are described. The interrelation between emotional reaction of children during the test and separate personal characteristics according to the results are shown.
Key words emotions, emotionality, correction of emotional development, dialogue, emotional sphere, age, child, leading kind of activity
Article information
Full articleCorrectional Developing Work of Psychologists with Emotional Sphere of Preschool and Primary School-Aged Children