Article name Development Problems of Post-Industrial Society in Russia: Culturological Aspect
Authors Milanchenko A.O.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article deals with development problems of post-industrial society in Russia. Based on the theory of post-industrialization developed by such scientists as D. Bell, D. Galbraith, P. Drucker, R. Inglegart, T. Sakaya, A. Toffler and others, the author highlights the main features of a postindustrial culture. Analyzing the main areas of Russia’s public life (culture, science, economics, education) it becomes clear for the author that the actual cultural environment in the country does not correspond to the model of a post-industrial society.
Key words post-industrial society, modernization, trust, knowledge, continuity of education
Article information
Full articleDevelopment Problems of Post-Industrial Society in Russia: Culturological Aspect