Article name Foreigners’ Safety in Urban Environment (Illustrated by the Foreigners’ Image of Perm City)
Authors Zhdanova S.Y.Doctor of psychological sciences, associate professo
Kilchenko O.I.Candidate of psychological sciences
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.922.262–054.6–057.68 (470.53–25)
Article type
Annotation The article addresses problems of safety of urban environment for foreigners. The data of an empirical research is given. Results show that foreigners are confronted with objective difficulties in the city of Perm. For temporary residents such difficulties include orientating themselves, lack of information. Difficulties in adapting to the environment for foreigners living in Perm for a long time are related to the objective living conditions, in particular, unemployment, medical care, interactions with urban environment.
Key words perception of urban environment, safety of new urban environment for foreigners
Article information
Full articleForeigners’ Safety in Urban Environment (Illustrated by the Foreigners’ Image of Perm City)