Article name On-line Auction as an Effective Method of Counteraction to Corruption in the System of State and Municipal Orders’ Placement
Authors Simatov A.A.Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor, Pro-rector
Bibliographic description
UDK 334.02
Article type
Annotation The article describes different variants of the counteraction to corruption in the Russian Federation. The main attention is paid to the inculcation of on-line auction’s proceedings to the system of state and municipal orders’ placement. The author states that this action is one of the most effective methods of the counteraction to corruption.
Key words corruption, on-line auction, state orders’ placement, contract, effective tenders, contract system, nomenclature, planning, merchandising, tender, digital signature
Article information
Full articleOn-line Auction as an Effective Method of Counteraction to Corruption in the System of State and Municipal Orders’ Placement