Article name Cultural Landscapes and Wilderness – Reflection of Scientific Perception in Cultural Geography
Authors Bocharnikov V.N.Doctor of Biology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 911.3
Article type
Annotation Scientific rationality of principles of knowledge is constructivist identification provided by the “identification” of individual structures that retain the common elements of subjective reality, reflecting evolutionary adaptation of the emergence of “economic man”, it is not able to express the dichotomy of natural (wild) and artificial (cultural) meanings fully. We understand through contact with this restriction that any project of the human being exists in a multidimensional space of possible alternatives, implementations and a variety of changes in “text incarnations”. The theoretical insights of the sciences of nature, culture and society, their synthesis on the basis of the hermeneutics of the landscape allows one to broaden the popular meaning of the thesis, stating: “to understand the whole? one must understand its parts, but understanding parts, you need to have an idea about a whole”. And if the culture is localized by representing its function, that is preservation of the tradition and diffusion of innovations, the other end of our speculative line of “artificial – natural” would inevitably be represented by the opposite – the beginning which is uncontrolled and unorganized human chaos, i. e. wilderness. A geoconcept of “wilderness” is a myth, an idea, an image, a symbol, an index, a territory. … It has not received adequate attention and representation in academic discourse of cultural geography of Russia yet.
Key words interaction between man and nature, cultural geography, cultural landscape, wilderness, ethno-cultural space
Article information
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