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Article name | The Method of Analogy: Analysis of the Experience of Use of Natural Laws in Cross-Border Humanitarian and Geographical Research |
Authors | Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 910.1 |
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Annotation | The use of analogies in the humanities is often accompanied by borrowing of schemes, techniques and patterns from the natural sciences. Natural science due to the reasonable use of this method, involving cutting off the false analogies, acts as an inexhaustible source of new knowledge for the humanities, including humanitarian geography. In cross-border study, the author used nature-like analogies. In the study of the territorial organization of crossborder environmental management at the junction of the borders of the three countries, there is a thermodynamic analogy diagram of water and a layered organization of the population and fortification structures in the format of bilateral cross-border region is analogy of stratification of the atmosphere. In transboundary studies, the analogy method allows us to explain the processes of self-organization, and rather a mutual organization on both sides of the border or on three sides of the nature, population and economy (in case of trilateral sections); and following those trends, to avoid unnatural territorial planning leading to infringement of interests of neighboring states; and to prevent cross-border and cross-border conflicts. |
Key words | analogy, the state border, human geography, Zabaikalsky krai, psychological and cognitive barriers, nature-like structures, reflection, territorial planning, transboundedness |
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Full article | The Method of Analogy: Analysis of the Experience of Use of Natural Laws in Cross-Border Humanitarian and Geographical Research |