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Article name | Transbaikal Towns Nerchinsk and Chita: Reflection of the Dialectics of the Capital Positions of Modern Transport and Population Distributional Structures of the Border Region |
Authors | Semibratova I.A.Senior Assistant |
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UDK | 911.7 |
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Annotation | Border territorial social system of Zabaikalsky krai evolved through evolution and the central geographical location of Nerchinsk was reinforced by the political centrality of its capital status. Moving the capital to Chita in 1851 led to a shift in the political center of the region with respect to the geographical center. With the transfer of the capital to Chita, Nerchinsk did not lose its centrality in the transport and population distributional structure, as well as in traditional flows of inter-settlement intercommunication. The value of its cultural heritage, expressed in the objects of architecture and historical events, showing the historical and political centrality, did not change either. Nerchinsk district, having Nerchinsk as the administrative center, has a central geographical position in the modern system of municipal districts of Zabaikalsky krai. Formation of cartographic anamorphoses which are center-oriented towards Chita and Nerchinsk made it possible to estimate the geographical position of these towns in the transport and population distributional structure: it is suburban monosectorial for Chita and central polisectorial for Nerchinsk. Capital relictness (the inertia of capital functions) can become a powerful factor for Nerchinsk in its positioning – changing of economic, cultural and geographical position in the region. The dialectic of the capital positions of the two cities is expressed not only in the opposition but also the complementarity of their functions in the transport and population distributional structures. |
Key words | geographic position, human geography, Zabaikalsky krai, cartographic anamorphosis, Nerchinsk, borderland, capital relictness, transport and population distributional structure, territorial social system, Chita |
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Full article | Transbaikal Towns Nerchinsk and Chita: Reflection of the Dialectics of the Capital Positions of Modern Transport and Population Distributional Structures of the Border Region |