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Article name | Debate on the Status of Cultural Studies in the Book “Culture: a View From Russia” by A. S. Zapesotsky |
Authors | Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
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UDK | 304.42 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the discussion of the book “Culture: a view from Russia”, written by A. S. Zapesotsky, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, the issue of which was dedicated to the anniversary of the author. A brilliant polemical style, enthusiasm, an appeal to the reality of life, typical for this publication, which renders it beyond the strictly scientific monographic works and involves the reader in a dialogue with the author, in which the author has to respond to acute questions which often do not have unique answers, are noted in the review’s content. The author tried to reflect the content of the discussion, initiated by the A. S. Zapesotsky, regarding the status and methodology of cultural studies as an academic discipline. The result of the analysis is a belief in the polemical nature of this publication, which is characterized by the desire to integrate different types of knowledge, linked with the pursuit of practical implementation of all that the author thinks as the most productive. The reviewer proves that during the discussion of cultural studies formation as a special kind of independent scientific knowledge, an existential-life factor has acquired an exceptional knowledge, aimed at justifying the eligibility of research activity direction of the Russian humanitarian cultural studies. The author supposes that due to the controversial nature of the content and structure of the unusual text construction, there are problems associated with the need to develop a methodology based on the status and cultural studies, and questions evoked in this connection, the collection of works by A. S. Zapesotsky seems to be an urgent, important, and interesting edition, which makes a significant contribution to the theoretical study and development of cultural knowledge. It should be recommended to bachelor students, master students, specialists, researchers, teachers, and all those who are interested in the problems of cultural studies development. |
Key words | A. S. Zapesotsky, culture, cultural studies, methodology of cultural knowledge, cultural studies paradigm, D. S. Likhachev, V. S. Stepin, A. A. Zimin, N. N. Skatov |
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Full article | Debate on the Status of Cultural Studies in the Book “Culture: a View From Russia” by A. S. Zapesotsky |