Article | |
Article name | Role of Old Mongolian Script in Formation of the Central Asia Communicative Space |
Authors | Detszidema ..Lecturer |
Bibliographic description | Detszidema. Role of Old Mongolian Script in Formation of the Central Asia Communicative Space // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 92–95. |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-92-95 |
UDK | 811.512.3 |
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Annotation | The article discusses the role of the language as the most important communicative means in the communicative space formation. Communicative space is the interaction area, where acts of communication take place by the language means. The language promotes intercultural interaction, cultural contacts intensification, including in the common communication space or forming it. Old Mongolian script, being the main intercultural communication means in Central Asia, has managed to convey not only the Mongolian-speaking people cultural achievements, but also to create certain socio-communicative conditions in the region. The number of countries and peoples relating to this region cannot be limited by the geographical concept. It covers not only Mongolia, Tibet, Northern China, Northern India, Eastern Turkestan but also significant part of Central Asia, Eastern and Southern Siberia. All state and ethnic associations of Central Asia had common public life traditions, cultural values and norms of a particular relationship with the peoples in the region. For many centuries Old Mongolian script being the historical and cultural heritage of all Mongolian people and their unifying factor has played an important role in the Central Asia culture formation and development, and the creation of specific communicative conditions for engagement in this region. |
Key words | language, communication, intercultural communication, communicative space, Central Asia, Old Mongolian script. |
Article information | |
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Full article | Role of Old Mongolian Script in Formation of the Central Asia Communicative Space |